Kotler Marketing Group is a global consulting firm specializing in marketing and branding strategies in digital times. We are headquartered in Washington, D.C., with two wholly-owned branches in Beijing and Shenzhen (China). Our philosophy comes from the father of modern marketing, the principal advisor of our company---Doctor Philip Kotler. We have served clients from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, including over 376 "Fortune 500" companies and nearly 200 small- and medium-sized enterprises from 16 different industries in the past 40 years.
Global marketing strategy expert helps you to transform your business
from opportunistic development to strategic growth.
KMG's business scope covers 4 sectors as follows
Growth Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Branding Strategy
International Market entry strategy
KMG provides outstanding customized services in the eight areas below:
Marketing Audit services: evaluating the company's current marketing strategies, branding strategies, marketing mix, marketing procedure, as well as marketing organizations comprehensively;
Helping clients to set up the most competitive marketing strategies and accompanying plans to boost the company's performance by maximizing its advantage and optimizing the business operation;
Design the market-oriented organization structure, marketing management procedures, and incentive management systems for marketing personnel;
Customize strategic marketing planning systems according to the business environment of the client's company. Provide system tools to operate and control marketing strategies;
Offer consumer value research to help clients quantify and accurately measure the value they created for consumers. Develop and guide marketing strategies through comparison with its competitors;
Consult for Chinese corporates' internationalization progress and development of the international market, including customizing strategies and plans for opening up overseas markets; searching international business partners, contemplations, and implementation of international M&As;
Transform the company's marketing mode from traditional to digital. Establish the digital integrated marketing system according to marketing 5.0;
Generate development strategies, industrial strategies, and marketing strategies for themed cities and industrial parks based on "place marketing" and "regional buyers" models.